Man & Sound Environment
2017-11-16 genomförde Ljudmiljöcentrum det tvärvetenskapliga symposiet "Man & Sound Environment"
”Man & Sound Environment 2017 - Recent Soundscape Research". The field of soundscape is a growing and active research field that covers the most suprising angles and aspects of sound. This symposium gave a glimpse of current soundscape related research in a wide array of disciplines like speech and music communication, logopedics, landscape architecture, ethnology, musicology, cultural science and acoustics.
Per Magnus Lindborg, KTH: Sound perception and design in multimodal environments
Gunnar Cerwén, SLU, landskapsarkitektur: Sound in Landscape Architecture - A Soundscape Approach to Noise
Karin Aras, Ethnology, Cultural anthropology, Uppsala:The Ethnology of Sound
Marie Koldkjaer-Høylund, Kulturvet, Aarhus university, DK: Overhearing - An Attuning Approach to Noise in Danish Hospitals
Alexandra Ullsten, Musicology, Örebro university: Live music therapy with lullaby singing during painful procedures in neonatal care
Susanna Whitling, logopedi, foniatri och audiologi, Lund: Recovery from heavy vocal loading in women with different levels of functional voice problems, Long-Time Voice Accumulation During Work, Leisure and a Vocal Loading Task in Groups with Different Levels of Functional Voice Problems
Sverker Zadig, mus.högsk. Malmö: Ledarna i kören, vokala samarbeten mellan körsångare
Nikolas Vardaxis, tekn.akustik. LTH, Lund: Acoustic comfort in residential apartments
Juan Negreira, tekn.akustik. LTH, Lund: Vibro–acoustic performance of wooden buildings